As defined by the service notification consumer WSDL, the notify method accepts two parameters: an array of notification messages and an array of additional information. 按照服务通知使用者WSDL的定义,notify方法接受两个参数:包含通知消息的数组和包含其他信息的数组。
To create a single dimensional array of the type a [ m] ( where m is an integer variable already defined and initialized), apply the cpp_type stereotype on the array variable a in the UML model. 要创建一个类型为a[m]的一维数组(这里的m是一个已经被定义和初始化的整数变量),可以在UML模型中在这个数组变量a上运行cpptype原型。
To allow for added arguments beyond those defined in the parameter array ( either required values or variable length sets of values), I'll have the call return the actual number of arguments processed. 为了允许除形参数组中定义的实参之外额外的实参(要么是必需的值,要么是可变长度的值),我将令这个调用返回被处理实参的实际数量。
Note the question mark(?) in the SQL string, which denotes the variables defined in the serial array of the odbc_execute() function. 请注意SQL字符串中的问号(?),它表示odbcexecute()函数的串行数组中定义的变量。
The scrollable columns of the horizontal dimension are defined by the JSON array cells. 水平维度的可滚动列是由JSON数组cells定义的。
Your PHP class methods can return arrays or key/ value pairs, and the API you defined will automatically generate a JSON array or object from this. 您的PHP类方法可以返回数组或者键/值对,您定义的API将从其中自动生成一个JSON数组或对象。
The custom code in SAMPLE_VAR2 will sequentially go through the defined array during the test run, restarting when at the end of the values. SAMPLEVAR2中的定制代码,将会在测试运行期间通过定义的数组,在值的末端重新启动。
If none are defined, an empty array is returned. 如果一个都没有定义,则返回空数组。
The smallest unit of defined data. A data item type can represent a single value or an array of one or more values. 定义数据的最小单位。一个数据项类型可以表示一个值或一个取单值或多值的数组。
Software Defined Radio: A set of standards to allow a wide array of different communication technologies to interoperate in the field on an as-needed basis without predefined interoperability. 软件定义的无线电(SoftwareDefinedRadio):一套允许各种不同通信技术在不需要预先确定互操作性的情况下可以互操作的标准。
The path display of circuit was realized with defined array. 引用定义的数组实现电流流通路径显示。
It is the most difficult problem to recover complex data type in the process of decompilation. This paper introduces data flow analysis by various features, collecting various defined and used information about variable and then recovering array data type by calculating address expression and merging address range. 逆编译中,复合数据类型恢复是最困难的问题.文中介绍按特征进行数据流分析,收集变量的各种定义和引用信息,然后通过计算地址表达式和合并地址区间的方法恢复数组类型。
The variable phase center is defined for general linear array, which makes that the directive antenna can be used as elements of the interferometer array. 为了能把不存在相位中心的定向天线单元应用到干涉仪测向系统,提出了可变相位中心概念,并给出了对数周期偶极子天线可变相位中心计算实例。
In this method, groups of symmetric subarray are defined in an uniform linear array and their output covariance matrices are combined. By making use of rotational invariance technique, the directions of arrival for coherent signals are effectively estimated. 该方法通过阵列数据矩阵的变换和对称子阵列协方差矩阵的组合,并利用旋转不变技术有效地实现了相干信号到达方向的估计。
In 2-dimension surface, the included angle between arrival direction and array line is defined as DOA direction. According to this, the basic math model of array signal processing is also defined. 在二维平面,将来波方向和阵列法线的夹角定义为波达方向,由此定义阵列信号处理的基本数学模型。
Soil mini-structure can be defined as: the relative position, array character, contact state, links, cementing substance& their state, the size and shape of void among soil particles or their polymers. 土体的细观结构是指土颗粒或颗粒聚合体之间的相对位置、排列特征、接触状态、粒间连结、胶结物及胶结状态、粒间孔隙大小与形状。
Programers often meet with some inconvenience in processing arrays because of the lack of the fuction of directly defined array in dBASE ⅲ DBMS. 由于dBASEⅢ数据库管理系统中没有直接定义数组的功能,使得不少程序员在进行数组处理时深感不便。
The force of each node of each road axis is calculated, and a array is defined, so that each node force corresponds with the values of array. 计算出每条轴线每个节点受力,定义一个数组,使每个节点力与数组中的值对应。